YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts – A Voice for Women and Girls


Career pg image, nice.ijpgJob Openings

Working at the YWCA is both rewarding and challenging.  We always seek highly-motivated, dedicated and experienced team members to move the organization and its mission forward, with a particular focus on  domestic violence & sexual assault services, women’s health, child care, youth services, and transitional housing.

Established in 1892, the YWCA has grown from a small, grass-roots organization focused on aiding women new to either the country or to Lawrence, to a vibrant, active community resource with an annual budget exceeding $5 million.  Through both part and full-time employment, we currently have approximately 100 employees on staff at 4 different site locations including Lawrence, Haverhill and Lynn. We are an equal  opportunity employer.

To view job openings at any of our sites, please click here, and you’ll be taken to the Careers page on our Lawrence site.

On the Lawrence site, you’ll find the job postings, and instructions on how to apply.  To return to the North Shore site, use the site bar in the upper right corner of the page.